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Interior Painting Sprays: Better Than Rollers?
Here at Homm CPS, many of our customers – new and old – ask us the same question…what exactly is an interior paint sprayer? Or more importantly, are they worth bothering with? The short answer…well, there’s a bit of a giveaway in the name! As …
Chalkboard Paint: An Affordable Interior Transformation
Despite having been around for some time now, chalkboard paint is only just beginning to make its way into a relatively modest number of homes across the US. Which for the most part comes down to two things – availability and affordability. Once a relatively …
Prioritizing Rooms When Painting Interiors
When the time comes to paint your home’s interior living spaces, you may find yourself with the same initial problem as everyone else. That being – where on earth do you begin? Of course, this tends to be particularly problematic if your home is on …
Getting Creative with Kids’ Bedroom Walls
Out of all the rooms of the home, it tends to be kids’ bedrooms that get the most elaborate treatment. That is, at least when it comes to DIY paint jobs. Even in homes where the parents are somewhat modest when it comes to intricacies …
Paintbrush Care & Cleaning FAQ
Contrary to popular belief, most people don’t actually know the proper/professional way to clean paintbrushes. Which is why they (as in most people) have a tendency to throw all manner of weird and wonderful chemical concoctions at them and hope for the best. Unfortunately, not …
How to Spray Paint Vinyl Surfaces Around the Home
There was a time when spray painting vinyl tended to be a rather difficult and unpleasant job. Which for the most part came down to the fact that the available spray paints themselves weren’t exactly what you’d call advanced. Which in turn meant that droplets, …
How to Clean Matte Painted Surfaces
Matte paint can and often does look uniquely elegant. Get it right with your chosen interior colors and matte paint can leave the rooms of your home looking quite superb. When it comes to the kind of soft, gentle and relaxing hues your home’s interiors …
Staying Safe and Sound When Painting Outdoors
Yes, we know…health and safety is a subject that’s about as exciting as watching paint dry (pun intended). Particularly given the way in which we’re slowly but surely heading into the kind of ‘nanny state’ era where we can barely blink without being told we’re …
Home Painting Hacks That Could Change Your Life
Here at Homm CPS, our customers are always hungry for a few pro tips. The kinds of guidelines that can take amateur-hour a step further to the real deal. And as we’re all about advising and assisting those who prefer the DIY approach to home …
Chalkboard Paint – One Product, Endless Uses
One of the biggest problems with paint, pretty much any paint whatsoever, is the way in which as soon as it has been applied around the home, it looks exactly the same throughout its entire lifespan. Shy of perhaps a little fading or cracking over …