Category: Painting Basics

What (if Anything) is the Difference Between Blue and Green Painter’s Tape?

What (if Anything) is the Difference Between Blue and Green Painter’s Tape? Painters Tape: Use It Like the Pros

Painter’s tape is an indispensable part of the pro painter’s toolkit. It’s also something you’ll need to achieve a clean and crisp finish when painting your interiors this winter. All well and good, but making sense of the different types of painter’s tape products available isn’t easy. With thousands of different products to choose from, […]

Revolutionizing Paint Sampling with Samplize

Revolutionizing Paint Sampling with Samplize Revolutionizing Paint Sampling with Samplize

If you know Homm CPS…which you should by now…then you’ll know we’re all about two things – simplicity and satisfaction. We take real pride in making it as easy and affordable as possible for our customers to breathe new life into their interiors. However creative or ambitious your vision may be, we’re here to bring […]

How Should I Clean My Walls Before Painting?

How Should I Clean My Walls Before Painting? Helpful Tips For Applying Glitter Wall Paint

There’s nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to completely change the dynamic of any interior space. Whether opting for a bold new color or simply looking to refresh your walls, he really can be the ultimate home improvement. One of the golden rules for successful interior painting is taking as much time as […]

Can Outdoor Paint Be an Effective Bug Repellent?

Can Outdoor Paint Be an Effective Bug Repellent? Can Outdoor Paint Be an Effective Bug Repellent?

The transition between summer and fall can also be the perfect time of year to tackle those essential exterior painting projects. Planning for the spring season next year, protecting your home from the worst of the winter weather, making the most of the perfect outdoor painting conditions – all great reasons to reach for a […]

Bubbling Paint: Dealing with the Ultimate Annoyance

Bubbling Paint: Dealing with the Ultimate Annoyance Wall Paper Removal

There’s nothing quite so satisfying as standing back and admiring your handiwork following a job well done. You have a good look from every angle, you soak up the effect in every light, and you’re genuinely proud of your interior paint job. Unfortunately, this initial sense of pride can often be short-lived. After giving the […]

How Should I Clean My Walls Before Painting?

How Should I Clean My Walls Before Painting? How Should I Clean My Walls Before Painting?

There’s nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to completely change the dynamic of any interior space. Whether opting for a bold new color or simply looking to refresh your walls, he really can be the ultimate home improvement. One of the golden rules for successful interior painting is taking as much time as […]

Can You Paint Tiles?

Can You Paint Tiles? Painting Your Bathroom In 10 Easy Steps

One of the biggest downsides of decorating with tiles is the fact that they leave little scope for future alterations. Unless you go through the laborious process of removing them, stripping the adhesive and painstakingly preparing the surface, you’re basically stuck with them. Or are you? It’s a fair question, as you occasionally come across […]

Can You Remove Paint From Brick?

Can You Remove Paint From Brick?

Painted brick can be downright gorgeous. Depending on the color you go for, the resulting effect can be anything from quintessentially modern to fantastically rustic. Exposed brickwork in general is an exceptionally desirable feature, both indoors and outdoors. But what happens if you eventually find yourself wishing you’d gone with a different color? Or perhaps, […]

Exterior Painting Estimates – What Factors Affect Costs?

Exterior Painting Estimates – What Factors Affect Costs? Exterior Painting Estimates – What Factors Affect Costs?

At Homm CPS, we appreciate how daunting it can be to request a quote for an exterior home painting job. With no frame of reference, you have absolutely no idea how much you can expect to be quoted for the job. Worse still, there’s always the prospect (with some, not with us!) of being handed […]

Can I Use Interior Paints Outdoors?

Can I Use Interior Paints Outdoors? Can I Use Interior Paints Outdoors?

One of the most common questions asked by homeowners with planned exterior painting projects concerns the types of paints that can be used outdoors.  Specifically, it’s often questioned as to whether most everyday indoor paints can be used for exterior painting. In theory, you would expect paints engineered to be used outdoors to be different […]

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Hömm Certified Painting Systems has proudly served the Washington, DC Metro Area since 2007, delivering exceptional painting and remodeling services with integrity and professionalism. Trust our award-winning team for quality craftsmanship and world-class customer care.