
Interior Painting Sprays: Better Than Rollers?

Here at Homm CPS, many of our customers – new and old – ask us the same question…what exactly is an interior paint sprayer? Or more importantly, are they worth bothering with? The short answer…well, there’s a bit of a giveaway in the name! As …

Prioritizing Rooms When Painting Interiors

When the time comes to paint your home’s interior living spaces, you may find yourself with the same initial problem as everyone else. That being – where on earth do you begin? Of course, this tends to be particularly problematic if your home is on …

Getting Creative with Kids’ Bedroom Walls

Out of all the rooms of the home, it tends to be kids’ bedrooms that get the most elaborate treatment. That is, at least when it comes to DIY paint jobs. Even in homes where the parents are somewhat modest when it comes to intricacies …

Interior Painting: Time to Walk Away from White?

It’s been proven time and time again that the color of the walls surrounding you at any time can have a big impact on your mood. Which in turn means that we have so much more control over the way we think and feel on …

Interior Home Painting – Making Color Choice That Little Bit Easier

Making the decision to decorate the home is technically easy. In fact, it’s probably the easiest stage in the process…if not the only easy stage. It’s one thing to make the decision to revamp your interiors, but it’s something else entirely to know where to …

Four Easy Ideas to Refresh Your Interiors

If you’d like to give your interiors a bit of a makeover but would also like to get it done quickly and cheaply…well, welcome to the club! It’s natural to find yourself getting a little tired with your interiors from time to time, wishing there …

Chalkboard Paint – One Product, Endless Uses

One of the biggest problems with paint, pretty much any paint whatsoever, is the way in which as soon as it has been applied around the home, it looks exactly the same throughout its entire lifespan. Shy of perhaps a little fading or cracking over …

Painting Kitchen Cabinets – Cheaper Than a New Kitchen

For millions of homeowners, the idea of completely revamping and refreshing the kitchen is appealing to say the least. Especially in instances where the kitchen in its current form hasn’t changed for quite some time. Nevertheless, given the way in which new kitchens tend to …

Interior Home Painting. Who’s Afraid of the Dark?

At the risk of generalizing, it’s probably safe to say that the vast majority of DIY home painters make a beeline for the lighter, brighter side of the color spectrum. And for a very good reason as well, given the way in which lighter interior …

Enhanced Interiors: Getting Prepped For a Pro Paint Job

It never fails to surprise homeowners just how economical and affordable it can be to hire professional painters. In fact, once you’ve taken into account the various equipment, supplies and time required to get the job done, it can often work out considerably cheaper to …