Expert Painting Tips & Project Inspiration Blog

Pressure Washing Your Home Before a Paint Job

Pressure Washing Your Home Before a Paint Job

If you own or have access to a pressure washer, chances are you won’t think of anything else when it comes to cleaning your home’s exterior. If you need to prep your exteriors ahead of a paint job, getting busy with a pressure washer can be uniquely effective…not to mention rather satisfying at the same […]

The Advantages of Paint Sprayers for Exterior Surfaces

Painting Your Home – Do You Really Need Permission?

Here at Homm CPS, you’d better believe that we get all manner of weird and wonderful requests for the kinds of paint jobs you probably cannot imagine.  Now more than ever, interior designers are advising the everyday homeowner to get every bit as creative and imaginative as they like, when it comes to their own […]

Current Design Trends for an Exquisite Home Exterior

Exterior Home Painting: How to Minimize Mess

As anybody who has ever painted the exterior of their home will know, actually applying the paint to the respective surfaces represents just one of many tasks involved. In fact, it represents one of the simplest and most enjoyable stages in the entire process. It’s the rest that has the tendency to be something of […]

Why Your Exterior Paint Is Peeling

Why Your Exterior Paint Is Peeling

Paint can be a fickle mistress to say the least. Using the same paint, the same tools and the same techniques for the same home exterior, why is it that some areas stick in place perfectly for years, while others start peeling after no time at all? There’s really nothing more disheartening than seeing the […]

The Advantages of Paint Sprayers for Exterior Surfaces

The Advantages of Paint Sprayers for Exterior Surfaces

Some argue that as paint sprayers are not always suitable for indoor use, they are pretty limited in terms of versatility. However, if you find yourself faced with a pretty sizable exterior painting project…well, let’s just say things are quite different! For most people, making the switch to a paint sprayer for exterior home painting […]

7 Tips For Painting Exterior Window Frames

7 Tips For Painting Exterior Window Frames

When you take into account every element of the exterior of your home, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the window frames aren’t exactly a big deal. They’ll be pretty quick and easy to paint given the relatively small surface area, therefore can be left as something of an afterthought. Big mistake! The truth is, […]

Exterior Painting Job Last Longer

Making Sure Your Exterior Paint Job Sticks…Properly!

Even if you don’t find exterior painting particularly unpleasant, chances are you’d prefer to have to repeat the job as infrequently as possible. The reason being that not only can it be time-consuming and challenging, but it’s also far from free! Which is why it is always more than a little disconcerting to see your […]

How to Prepare Your Home For a Professional Painting Job

Sandpaper: Getting to Grips with the Nitty Gritty

These days, more homeowners than ever before are making the decision to go ahead with their own painting and home improvement projects. Better tools, premium paints and lower costs across the spectrum are encouraging those with a taste for the DIY lifestyle to get busy with the brush at home. And of course, the fact […]

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Hömm Certified Painting Systems has proudly served the Washington, DC Metro Area since 2007, delivering exceptional painting and remodeling services with integrity and professionalism. Trust our award-winning team for quality craftsmanship and world-class customer care.