Plan Your Next Paint Job Like A Pro

How to Prepare Your Home For a Professional Painting Job

What’s the secret to a successful paint job?

One word – planning.

Actually applying paints to interior surfaces isn’t a particularly difficult job.  Here at Homm CPS, we often say that successful paint jobs consist of around 80% planning and 20% actual painting. This may be a slight exaggeration of the truth, but it’s nonetheless an important point to bear in mind.

How to Prepare Your Home For a Professional Painting Job

There are basically six things you should be doing prior to placing a single spot of paint on any of your interior surfaces. Proceed in accordance with the following and you’ll find it so much easier to produce a professional quality finish, every time you reach for the brush:

1.  Safety Above All Else

First and foremost, you need to consider the safety of yourself and those around you. Even the simplest home painting jobs can quickly turn nasty without due care and attention. Ladders in dire need of replacement, ineffective safety goggles, dangerous chemicals outlawed in most states – all the kinds of things that stand to do you harm. Focus on your health and safety above all else from start to finish.

2. Avoid Plastic Drop Cloths

Plastic sheeting can be great for covering the kinds of fixtures and furniture you’d rather not cover in paint. But when it comes to the drop cloths you’ll be standing and walking on, we always advise steering clear of plastic. The reason being that with even a small amount of paint splattered on a plastic drop cloth, you’re looking at the kind of slippery surface that could prove deadly. Plastic drop cloths may be cheaper and more readily available, but they can also be extremely dangerous if not handled with care.

3. Protect Everything To The Extreme

Make no mistake about it – paint can and usually does get everywhere. Fail to protect even a single square inch of your living room and you can guarantee this will be the exact square inch that gets splattered more heavily than any other.  As such, it’s important to take as much time as necessary to thoroughly protect everything to the extreme. If you think you’re getting carried away with the protective measures, you’re not – there is no such thing! The better-protected the room and its contents, the quicker and easier it is to throw paint on its walls and ceilings respectively.

4. Clean The Surface Meticulously

Whatever kind of surface you intend to paint, you need to clean it as thoroughly as possible. Even if things appear to be relatively clean as they are, it’s a good idea to give things a good wipe to remove as much microscopic dust and dirt as possible. If there is any dirt or debris of any kind on the surface, the paint will be unable to adhere properly and the resulting finish will be compromised. In addition, it’s worth noting that if tackling a glossy or previously painted surface, you may need to scuff it a little with some fine sandpaper.

5. Work Out How Much Paint You Need

Running out of paint halfway through the job is every bit as infuriating as shelling out for a ton of paint you don’t actually need. It really doesn’t take a genius to figure out approximately how many square-meters you intend to paint.  Armed with this information, it’s then simply a case of checking the manufacturer’s guidelines on the can, in order to determine exactly how many you will need. That said, it’s always a good idea to buy a little more than you need, just in case you need to go around and apply a few touch-ups afterwards.  And always remember that good quality paint goes a lot further than bargain basement paint.

6.  Allocate More Time Than You Need

Last but not least, if you expect to complete the job within a day, allocate yourself a full weekend. If you think you’ll need a full weekend to get the job done, allocate four or five days. The simple fact of the matter being that if looking to produce the best possible results, it’s almost guaranteed to take at least a little longer than you expect. In addition, the more time you set aside for the job, the more you can take your time and be meticulous with every detail.  Trust us when we say the worst thing you can do is attempt to rush the job – you’ll only be disappointed with the outcome.

For more information on any aspect of interior or exterior painting, contact a member of the team at Homm CPS today.

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Hömm Certified Painting Systems has proudly served the Washington, DC Metro Area since 2007, delivering exceptional painting and remodeling services with integrity and professionalism. Trust our award-winning team for quality craftsmanship and world-class customer care.