Choosing the Right Color For Your New Baby’s Nursery

As we’ve said on countless occasions, there’s technically no such thing as the ‘right’ color for any room. A statement which admittedly contradicts the title of this post, but true nonetheless.
Achieving a flawless finish when painting interior spaces means deciding what works for you. It also means thinking about what works for the rest of your family – even those who haven’t been part of your household for very long!
Painting the nursery ahead of a new baby’s arrival is one of life’s unparalleled joys. Suddenly, what would normally be a mundane home improvement job becomes something you simply cannot wait to do. You discover your inner artist and perfectionist, ultimately putting together a showroom-worthy package of all-things beautiful and baby-friendly.
But which colors work best for a baby’s nursery?
How Color Psychology Affects Infants
Truth is, we don’t actually know a great deal about color psychology in babies. But as we know a lot about how colors affect older children and adults, it’s generally assumed that the same applies with babies.
Certain colors are known for evoking certain emotions and creating different moods in an interior space. While it may appear as if the baby spends most of his or her time relaxing and doing very little, they’ve actually got a hell of a lot going on.
Every second of every day, they’re growing, developing, learning and soaking up their surroundings like a sponge. The world can be a huge and intimidating place for such a little person, emphasizing the importance of creating a tranquil space in which they feel safe.
This is why it’s generally advisable to stay away from the overuse of bright yellows, oranges and reds. They’re great for accents and features, but could be a little too jarring and lively if plastered all over the walls.
At the same time, it’s important to avoid colors that are too dark and moody. A dark room that never feels particularly bright is not an uplifting and motivating place to spend time.
It’s therefore a case of sticking with something relatively safe, which provides baby with a feeling of joy, relaxation, safety, tranquillity and happiness.
Too much to ask from a simple lick of paint? Not if you get it right!
Baby Girl Colors
If looking to keep things as conventional as possible, nothing works better for a baby girl’s nursery than a gentle pink hue. The same can also be said for lavender, which naturally creates a feeling of deep relaxation and coziness.
It’s worth remembering that in both of these instances, you don’t have to create a room that’s painfully ‘girly’ or bordering on tacky. Paints with just a gentle hint of pink or lavender can be surprisingly elegant and sophisticated, particularly when complemented with pops of color elsewhere.
Baby Boy Colors
The same applies with colors for baby boys’ rooms, where the first and most obvious idea that comes to mind is blue. Again, keeping things subtle and at least slightly sophisticated with a softer blue hue is better than using an overly bold blue.
One of the bonuses of a blue baby’s room is the way in which most blues pair beautifully with white. You therefore don’t have to get too creative at all with your color choices for the trim and detailing around the room.
Neutral Baby Colors
Last up, there are plenty of options available for creating a neutral finish for boys and girls alike. If you’re waiting until the big day to find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl, going with neutrals is a no-brainer.
In this instance, there’s nothing that works better than a calming hue of gentle yellow or a subtle green tint. Both of which bring a feeling of light, space and life into a room, with the added bonus of being easy to complement with most neutral tones.
Believe it or not, gray can also be a fantastic choice for a gender-neutral nursery. Just as long as it is not too dark or shiny, it can be an extremely sophisticated and versatile color for kids’ rooms in general.
Ask the Experts…
If the big day is fast approaching and you’re still unsure which way to go, we can help. Homm CPS provides a comprehensive range of cost-effective interior home painting services of unbeatable quality.
We can help you choose the perfect color scheme for your baby’s nursery, as part of your obligation-free initial consultation.
Call Homm CPS anytime to learn more, or email our customer support team and we will get back to you as soon as possible.