We figured we’d address this question directly as it’s perhaps the single most common question posed by our customers. Not to mention, probably the most important question of all when you’re planning to paint your home. The long and short of it is simple – the weather outdoors will have a huge impact on both […]
Category: Exterior
The Five Biggest Benefits of Expert Exterior Painting
It’s a fact we’d never deny – there’s nothing quite as satisfying as standing back and admiring your handiwork! We’re totally on-board with the addictive nature of DIY and the constant compulsion to improve things around the home. We also understand that once you’ve got to grips with the basics of DIY, you find yourself […]
Five Timeless Exterior Paint Colors Worth Considering
If you’re planning to treat your home’s exterior to a fresh coat of paint over the coming weeks, you’re in good company. Summertime really is the time to freshen things up outdoors, providing the perfect painting conditions for a flawless finish. Particularly if your exteriors have taken a pounding over the harsh winter months, sprucing […]
Exterior Painting: Don’t Make Life Too Hard On Yourself
To be frank, exterior painting isn’t a particularly easy job at the best of times. Even when armed with all the latest gear and plenty of manpower, coming up with a flawless result is always a challenge. On the flipside of the coin, there’s also nothing more satisfying than walking away from a job well […]
Refresh Your Shutters With A Lick Of Paint
Beautifully designed wooden shutters serve a variety of purposes for contemporary and classic homes alike. Protection from cold weather, additional privacy and even a welcome security-boost are just some of the benefits of wooden shutters. They can also help keep interior spaces cool, blocking direct sunlight and adding an additional layer of insulation. Nevertheless, even […]
Exterior Home Painting: Maximum Impact for Minimal Effort
The very best types of home improvements are those that ask for minimal effort in return for a huge payoff. Both in terms of satisfaction and the potential to add value to your home, it’s always nice to put a little in and get a lot out. When it comes to minimizing both required effort […]
Planning on Painting Brickwork? Read This First…
Exterior painting should never be approached without due care and attention. Nor should the complexities of quality exterior painting be underestimated. Guaranteed to have a marked impact on the visual appeal and even the monetary value of your home, exterior painting is something you need to nail. As is the case with all aspects of […]
Seven Things Not to Do When Painting Your Exteriors
You look outside, the sky is blue and the sun is finally shining. You look at your home’s exterior and suddenly realize the winter weather has taken one hell of a toll. The solution being a relatively simple one – it’s time to paint your home’s exteriors. The only problem being that as you’ve never […]
Painting a Concrete Block Wall
One of the best things about exterior concrete block walls is their extraordinary long-term durability. A decent concrete block wall effectively protect the home for decades on end. The only downside being that concrete block walls also have a habit of looking bedraggled and uninspiring pretty quickly. For most homeowners, exterior paint jobs that involve […]
Cheap Exterior Home Painter – Expensive Mistake!
Tis the season to be house-proud. Spring or at least, it soon will be! Every spring like clockwork, millions of homeowners across the United States begin planning long-overdue exterior home painting jobs. Some go bold, others keep things simple, but all share the same vision of a spanking-new paintjob to make their home shine throughout […]