Category: Color Schemes

West Elm Color Collection for Sherwin Williams

West Elm Color Collection for Sherwin Williams West Elm Paint Color Collection

In addition to pairing up with Pottery Barn, Sherwin Williams has also created an delightfully inspiring new palette with the ever-so-effortlessly-chic West Elm. West Elm is known for their timeless pieces – remixed for modern homes, that have clean lines, elegant details, and the palette that Sherwin Williams and the store have come up with is […]

Pottery Barn Paint Color Collection for Sherwin Williams

Pottery Barn Paint Color Collection for Sherwin Williams

Sherwin Williams and Pottery Barn have teamed up to bring you a lovely, sophisticated collection of color that embodies both companies perfectly. Take a look at the Fall/Winter 2014 palette.   What’s your favorite color out of the collection? *Images via Pinterest, Houzz, Pottery Barn, and Sherwin Williams  

Mint Walls

Mint Walls

Mint paint is a great color for summer time – it has a cool calming effect that invokes a fresh atmosphere. It has just enough of a hue to be colorful without being overwhelming. Take a look at our favorites below! Mint Paint Colors by Sherwin Williams [one_half last=”no”] Mint Condition [/one_half][one_half last=”yes”] Retro Mint […]

White Rooms

White Rooms white room

In keeping with our theme of simplicity, what is simpler than white walls? You would be surprised actually – choosing a white paint color is more difficult than it sounds. With so many hues to choose from, you may soon feel in over your head; Benjamin Moore alone offers 150 shades of white. At Homm, […]

Reading Nooks

Reading Nooks colorful paint in reading nook

Your time spent at home should be relaxing, and we believe the way you design and color your house directly influences that. What better way to relax at home during these cold winter months than with a nice cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate and a good book? We’ve come across some pretty ingenious ideas with color in order […]

Benjamin Moore Color Trends 2014

Benjamin Moore Color Trends 2014 benjamin moore neutral paint color

Benjamin Moore recently unveiled their newest collection of color, the “New” Neutral Palette, and we’re going to do a profile on some of our favorites. These colors provide the perfect backdrop to any setting, and are bright enough for those that want a colorful feel, while keeping the integrity of a neutral.   [one_half last=”no”][/one_half][one_half […]

Matching Trim and Wall Color

Matching Trim and Wall Color

Last week, we showed you the option of painting trim and molding with bright, bold colors, while this week we’re going to switch gears a bit, and highlight rooms with matching trim and walls! This design option can give the eye a much needed break through the increase in color continuity. Stay on top the […]

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