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Staining Your Decking Like a Pro
Look after your outdoor decking and it will look after you in a multitude of ways. Not only does decking provide a family with an outstanding exterior living space, but it can also increase the overall value of your property significantly. Indeed, a home can …
Painting Metal Rails and Railings Outdoors
There’s usually at least one individual in every household who isn’t afraid of rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty. Whether it’s everyday repairs around the house, a new coat of paint in the bedrooms or the odd DIY project in the garden, …
10 Tips For Preserving the Beauty of Your Wooden Decking
When you think about it, outdoor wooden decking is subject to a serious amount of abuse. You might think that being exposed to the elements throughout the year is just about as harsh punishment as your decking will ever see. In reality, it’s probably during …
Fence Painting 101: The Basics You Need to Know
A perfectly presented, painted wooden fence can add a glorious aesthetic accent to a home’s exterior. What’s more, a high-quality fence painted properly with high-end products has the potential to be surprisingly low maintenance, with a finish that can last for years. Some prefer the …
Interior Home Painting. Who’s Afraid of the Dark?
At the risk of generalizing, it’s probably safe to say that the vast majority of DIY home painters make a beeline for the lighter, brighter side of the color spectrum. And for a very good reason as well, given the way in which lighter interior …
Enhanced Interiors: Getting Prepped For a Pro Paint Job
It never fails to surprise homeowners just how economical and affordable it can be to hire professional painters. In fact, once you’ve taken into account the various equipment, supplies and time required to get the job done, it can often work out considerably cheaper to …
Home Painting: The Three Golden Rules for Superior Interiors
For reasons we personally cannot explain, quite a lot of people insist that the winter isn’t a good time to get stuck into a bit of home painting. Now, when it comes to the exterior of your home, this can be true – harsh winter …
Bringing Walls to Life with Creative Painting Techniques
One of the most common questions brought to us by our customers is that of what can be done to enhance an otherwise simple paint job. For many of our customers, larger walls painted using one single color just isn’t enough in terms of inspiration …
Spray Painting – 10 Basic Rules to Follow
Every type of painting project and process has the potential to be deeply satisfying. But at the same time, there’s something uniquely enjoyable about grabbing a can of spray paint and watching whatever it is you are playing with turn a different and beautiful color …
10 Must Have Painting Tools
These days, heading to the store to pick up painting tools to tackle a job at home can be a confusing experience. Back in the day, you would simply find yourself presented with a few different brushes of a few different sizes, all for a …