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Six Common Exterior Paint Removal Mistakes
Those who really cannot stand the idea of exterior home painting would probably say that the entire process from start to finish is a pain in the proverbial. In reality however, they’re wrong. Personal opinions are one thing, but it is nonetheless an indisputable fact …
Painting Your Home – Do You Really Need Permission?
Here at Homm CPS, you’d better believe that we get all manner of weird and wonderful requests for the kinds of paint jobs you probably cannot imagine. Now more than ever, interior designers are advising the everyday homeowner to get every bit as creative and …
Why Your Exterior Paint Is Peeling
Paint can be a fickle mistress to say the least. Using the same paint, the same tools and the same techniques for the same home exterior, why is it that some areas stick in place perfectly for years, while others start peeling after no time …
The Advantages of Paint Sprayers for Exterior Surfaces
Some argue that as paint sprayers are not always suitable for indoor use, they are pretty limited in terms of versatility. However, if you find yourself faced with a pretty sizable exterior painting project…well, let’s just say things are quite different! For most people, making …
Making Sure Your Exterior Paint Job Sticks…Properly!
Even if you don’t find exterior painting particularly unpleasant, chances are you’d prefer to have to repeat the job as infrequently as possible. The reason being that not only can it be time-consuming and challenging, but it’s also far from free! Which is why it …
Disappointing DIY Paint Job? Here’s What Probably Went Wrong
While some get a real kick out of exterior home painting, for others it’s the chore to end all chores. Admittedly, the latter category has considerably more members than the former. Nevertheless, exterior home painting is the kind of thing you can’t realistically avoid. That …
5 Reasons Why Painting Exteriors With a Brush Isn’t So Crazy After All
When looking to paint particularly extensive home exteriors, two tools immediately come to mind. Those being the increasingly popular paint sprayer and the classic paint roller. In fact, the only approach you probably won’t consider at all is that of the traditional brush. For a …
Exterior Home Painting: 10 Things You Need to Know First
Depending on the way you go about the job, painting the exterior of your home can be anything from a real joy to an unmitigated nightmare. On which side of the scale it lands…well, most of it comes down to you and the decisions/actions you …
Carpentry Works – Why It Pays to Go Pro
When it comes to the replacement of rotten wood around the home, there are basically two ways you can go. One of these is to tackle the job yourself, the other is to call in the professionals. Of course, the obvious benefit of the DIY …
Painting Metal Rails and Railings Outdoors
There’s usually at least one individual in every household who isn’t afraid of rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty. Whether it’s everyday repairs around the house, a new coat of paint in the bedrooms or the odd DIY project in the garden, …