Small Space, Big Impact: Why Not Go Bold?

It’s no secret that the colors you choose when painting a room can have an impact on its perceived size and comfort. Get it right and even the smallest spaces can look and feel significantly bigger with a fresh coat of paint.

Nevertheless, it’s not always easy to know where to start. Likewise, it’s difficult to be particularly inspired by the prospect of simply painting a small space in unbroken brilliant-white.

But here’s the thing – a little creativity when tackling small spaces can go a long way. If your intention is to maximize its appeal and the perception of space, it’s in your power to make it happen.

painted bold accent wall

So if a smaller room around the home is simply crying out for a new lick of paint, here’s how to create maximum impact with the colors you choose:

Make Strategic Use Of White

While it’s not necessary to stick exclusively with white, it’s nonetheless useful to make strategic use of this base color. In addition, it’s worth remembering that white is available in an extensive variety of hues and finishes. White will always be the brightest and airiest color, capable of reflecting more light around the room and increasing the perception of space. Nevertheless, white can and should be treated as a base color for the room, rather than the only color to be used exclusively.

Be Brave With Bolder Colors

The use of white is the oldest trick in the book to open up a smaller space. Nevertheless, there’s nothing to say you cannot replicate the effect using any number of bolder colors. Blues, yellows and greens all working their magic on smaller spaces, when applied strategically as features and accents around the room. It’s also worth remembering that a feature wall in a different color can open up a smaller space with surprising effectiveness. Even if the feature wall is painted a relatively dark color, the effect is the same.

Consider Patterns

Experimenting with geometry can also be a great way of making a room look bigger. Rather than using a combination of flat colors, you could enhance one or more walls with a series of vertical stripes. Vertical stripes create a sense of openness and make the space look taller, while at the same time adding an attractive visual feature to the room. Take a digital photograph of the space and experiment to your heart’s content with a basic editing suite. See which patterns and stencils could create maximum impact and play around with their colors accordingly.

Don’t Forget The Ceiling

Often overlooked, the ceiling is the surface to focus on for making a room appear taller and more spacious than it actually is. As a general rule of thumb, dark ceilings should be avoided. A ceiling that’s lighter in color than the surrounding walls can be enormously effective. If this isn’t an option due to the surrounding walls being white, go for a gentle off-white shade or a subtle grey hue. Painting the ceiling the exact same color as the rest of the room isn’t usually the way to go, unless defined boundaries are created along the edges and corners using an entirely different color.

Ask The Experts

Last but not least, if you don’t have extensive interior design experience, it’s worth consulting with a professional painter. The reason being that there may be countless avenues to explore which you would otherwise overlook entirely. What’s great about smaller spaces is the way in which they can usually be painted much faster and more affordably than their larger counterparts. Irrespective of whether you choose the DIY or pro painting option, therefore, you probably won’t be looking at a particularly heavy outlay.

Here at Homm CPS, we know every trick and technique out there for enhancing the appeal and comfort of even the smallest spaces. We’d be happy to provide you with an obligation-free, pressure-free design consultation, in order to guide you through all the available options. If you’re happy to go ahead, we’ll provide you with an unbeatable quote and guarantee a flawless result. Whatever your requirements and budget, you won’t find a better deal in the Washington area!

For more information or to arrange a consultation with one of our experts, contact the team at Homm CPS today. We’re standing by to take your call!