Planning on Painting Your Interiors this Winter?

In the blink of an eye, the summer is a distant memory, and the weather is taking a turn for the worse. Not the end of the world, but the cold season does have a habit of seeing home improvement projects put on ice.
Things aren’t looking too fantastic outdoors, but why should this affect your planned DIY projects indoors?
With interior painting, you could argue that winter really isn’t the right time to attempt a makeover. In reality, it’s actually the perfect time to paint your interior spaces. There’s less humidity so the paint will dry quicker, and it’s not as if there’s much to do outdoors when its freezing cold!
Long story short – there’s really no reason not to grab your gear right now and get busy with an interior makeover. If that’s exactly what you’ve got planned, here’s a brief rundown of five tips to make the whole thing a little easier:
1. Prioritize Preparation
We say it all the time, but there really is nothing more important than being fully prepared. The more meticulously you prepare your interiors ahead of time, the quicker and easier it becomes to paint them.
Preparation means ensuring you have all the gear you need, and that it’s in a decent state of repair. It also means removing as much as you possibly can from the area of combat, covering everything else with cloths and sheets to keep it safe.
Minor repairs should also be carried out in advance, so as to not slow you down once you get started. Armed with some basic filler and a scrape or two, make now the time to plug those holes and fill those gaps.
2. Plan For The Weather And Lighting Conditions
The very best conditions for painting are those with plenty of natural light. Likewise, keeping exterior windows and doors open when painting indoors can speed up the drying process and keep fumes under control.
During the winter months, there’s nowhere near as much daylight. Nor is it warm enough to keep exterior windows and doors open for more than a few hours each day. It’s therefore a good idea to plan your attack carefully, in accordance with the weather and lighting conditions.
A sunny weekend with fairly mild temperatures is just the thing for a welcome winter makeover. If things are looking particularly nasty outdoors, maybe hold off until they improve slightly.
3. Ceilings, Walls Then Trim
Our preferred approach to painting interiors is almost always the same. As it has a tendency to be messy and inconvenient, it’s best to get the ceiling out of the way first. After which, you can move onto the walls, which gets the bulk of the job done before moving on to the trim.
If you’re thinking of giving your floors a fresh coat of paint or stain, do this last. It’s inevitable you’ll end up with spots and splatters all over the place while painting your walls and ceilings, so be sure to start at the top and work your way down.
4. Take Your Time
There’s a tendency during the winter months to rush jobs you’d have normally invested more time in during the summer. Probably an instinctive reaction to the fact that the days are shorter, which makes it feel like you’re on borrowed time. Unfortunately, rushing an interior paint job at any time of year is a guaranteed recipe for disappointing results.
When planning an interior makeover, allocate plenty of time to the project in advance. If it’s not something you can comfortably fit into a single weekend, consider tackling one or two rooms first, then more at a later date.
Again, it’s worth remembering that you’ll probably be spending more time at home right now anyway. In which case, why rush?
5. Hire Help
Last up, by far the quickest and easiest way to breathe new life into your interiors this winter is to hire help. It’s worth remembering that a team of professional painters could completely overhaul your interiors much faster and with less disruption.
Hiring help could also save you money, when considering all the tools, equipment and consumables needed to get the job done.
At Homm CPS, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive range of interior home painting services at competitive prices. Whether ready to go ahead or looking to learn more about the services we provide, we’d be delighted to hear from you.
Call the team at Homm CPS anytime for an obligation-free consultation, or get in touch by e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.