How To Prevent Paint From Peeling Prematurely (Part 2)

As promised, what follows is the concluding segment of our two-part post covering every common cause behind prematurely peeling paint. Arm yourself with the knowledge to get the job done properly and you’ll be looking at pro-grade results that last!

Just be sure to avoid the following mistakes where possible:

  1. Different Coatings On The Same Surface

If you plan on painting over an existing layer of paint with a new coat of paint, it’s worth noting that not all types of paint are compatible with one another. For example, if the surface was previously coated in latex paint, it’s highly inadvisable to then apply a layer of oil-based paint.

Hence, you need to think carefully about the existing coating and make the effort to remove it if necessary.

How To Prevent Paint From Peeling Prematurely (Part 2)

  1. Multiple Layers

The more layers of paint you add to any given surface, the more likely the paint is to begin cracking and falling. The reason being that sooner or later, these multiple layers of paint become far too heavy and give way to gravity.

Precisely why this problem tends to be most prevalent when painting ceilings. So once again, it may be necessary to tool-up on the supplies you need and get rid of the existing layers of paint, before going ahead and applying a new coat.

  1. Substandard Paint Quality

There’s a reason why some paints are sold at relatively premium prices, while others are practically given away. Depending on the quality of the formulation, you could be looking at the kind of thing that goes on with ease and sticks like glue, or begin falling away from the surface in no time at all.

Make no mistake about it – there’s a direct correlation between the quality of the paint and its respective likelihood of looking old before its time. While it can sometimes be tempting to cut corners on quality for the sake of saving pennies, it’s a mistake you’ll regret making further down the line.

  1. Low-Quality Primer

Unsurprisingly, the same also goes for the primer you use to prepare the surface in the first place. Along with ensuring the primer you choose is compatible with the material in question, you also need to stick exclusively with high-quality primers from established manufacturers.

Use a premium primer and you’ll be looking at a far simpler and faster paint application process, along with long-lasting results to be proud of. Work with a substandard primer and you can probably figure out what’s likely to happen next.

  1. Expired Paint

Even the best paint on the market has an expiration date that should be taken seriously. Particularly when it comes to paints that have been previously opened and resealed, it’s only a matter of time before they lose their ability to adhere to the surface and stay put. As such, you need to be very carefully thinking about using any leftover paint you have around the home, which may or may not have been stored appropriately.

It’s one thing to avoid waste, but it’s something else entirely to roll the dice with expired paint. If the consistency of the paint appears even slightly out of the ordinary, it really isn’t worth bothering with.

  1. Exposure to Chemicals

There are countless chemical formulations that are manufactured specifically to remove paint quickly and easily. This should tell you what you need to know about the way painted surfaces react to corrosive substances.

Even modest exposure to a corrosive substance can be enough to trigger a chain reaction that results in premature peeling and flaking. It’s therefore a good idea to keep corrosive substances as far away from your painted surfaces as possible.

  1. Excessively Dry Air

Excessive moisture can be harmful, but painted surfaces nonetheless need a certain amount of moisture to maintain their physical properties. Studies have shown that if the air in any interior space is excessively dry, it can have a detrimental effect on the quality and lifespan of painted surfaces.

So once again, it may be worth investing in a humidifier or dehumidifier accordingly.

  1. Rushing The Job

Last but not least, any attempts to rush a painting project to completion will almost guarantee substandard results. By not giving primers and coats of paint sufficient time to dry, you prevent them from adhering properly and welcome premature peeling.

Once again therefore, we strongly advise taking your time and ensuring you have the patience necessary to get the job done properly. If not, you might want to call the experts at Homm CPS to take care of things on your behalf!