How Paint Color Can Affect Curb Appeal

A brief disclaimer before getting started – beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. We all have our unique tastes and preferences, reflected in the way we decorate our homes. Hence, there is technically no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way of painting your interiors.
Just as long as you are happy with the result, that’s all that matters.
But when planning on putting your home up for sale, it’s no longer your own preferences that are important. Your job is to present your home in a way that will appeal to those who are interested in buying it.
This can mean going completely against what you would normally do, where interior design and décor are concerned. Incredibly, the interior colors you choose for your rooms can have a major impact on the overall value of your home.
As demonstrated in a recent study by Zillow, which highlighted just how important it is to be strategic with your interior color selection.
For anyone planning on putting their home up for sale this year, here are a few pointers from the real estate pros:
Out – Blue Living Rooms
First up, understated and fairly neutral tones of blue for the living room are well and truly out. At least, in the sense of contributions to property values. According to the results of the survey conducted by Zillow, blue living rooms lack appeal for homebuyers due to too many potential color clashes with their own furniture and fixtures.
In – Light Blue Bathrooms
By contrast, bathrooms decorated predominantly in light blue are very much the in thing. In fact, it was estimated that light blue bathroom walls can increase the perceived value of the entire property by as much as 1.6%. Light yellow, pale grey and white were also found to be the preferred bathroom colors for most potential buyers.
In – Gray living rooms
Don’t shy away from a fairly understated tone of gray for the living room. Gray can actually be the perfect color for creating something of a blank canvas, upon which visitors can visualize their dream interiors. Neutrals in general are almost always more effective than bright and bold colors. This is particularly true in the home’s shared living spaces, where its occupants are likely to spend most of their time.
In – Dark Blue Bedrooms
Bedrooms painted in darker shades of blue apparently have immense appeal for prospective buyers. Some of whom indicated that they would happily offer around $1,500 more, simply for attractive blue bedroom walls. Blue is known for its relaxing properties, creating an air of calm and tranquility. Precisely what matters most in the bedroom, where most understated neutrals can have the same effect.
Out – Green kitchens
Really? Apparently so – the classic go-to color for a bright and vibrant kitchen is apparently not hitting home in 2022. Exactly why is open to interpretation, but Zillow reported that house prices dipped in excess of $1,800 simply for having a green kitchen. Similarly, kitchens painted predominantly in yellow and red also seem to have fallen out of favor with prospective buyers.
Out – Bright Green Bathrooms
The same also proved true for bright green bathrooms, with the emphasis on ‘bright’. Bathrooms painted in subtle tones of pale green are still hugely popular, due to their calming and tranquil properties. For the most part, anything too bright, bold and garish seems best avoided for bathrooms right now.
In – Neutral Exterior Colors
Of course, it’s worth remembering that the first thing people see when coming to view your home is its exterior color. Again, the key here is to present them with a blank canvas, enabling them to visualize how they would like to paint and decorate their home. Bright and bold exterior colors can work in some neighborhoods, but light grey proved most profitable of all in Zillow’s survey. On average, a light grey exterior added around $3,500 to a home’s market value.
In – A Fresh Matte Touchup
Last up, irrespective of your home’s interior color scheme, it is essential to give your surface a pre-sale touchup. Specifically, a touchup with an appropriate matte paint that hides any possible imperfections. Far more attractive than an abundance of glossy surfaces, which along with highlighting every scuff/mark can quickly become an eyesore in their own right.
For more information on any of the above or to discuss painting your home before putting it up for sale, contact a member of the team at Homm CPS today.