It’s that time of year again when attention instinctively turns to long-overdue exterior painting projects. Whether planning on giving your entire home a fresh lick of paint or simply sprucing up your shed, there’s no better time than right now to get to it. That said, the spring months have a tendency to bring the […]
Category: Exterior
Why Your Spray Painting is Never Up to Scratch
On the surface, spray painting seems like a fool-proof no-brainer. You simply grab a can, point it at the material you need to paint and hit the button. Pretty easy, right? Or so it seems, as the fine art of spray painting can actually be quite difficult to nail. At least, in the sense of […]
3 Things You Need To Do Before Painting Your Home’s Exterior
Admittedly, right now does not tend to be the time most people are thinking about exterior painting. As touched upon in a few previous posts, the early spring months do (occasionally) bring surprisingly amicable painting conditions. Just as long as the temperature isn’t too low, the season’s low humidity levels can actually be great for […]
Key Factors When Selecting Exterior Paint Colors
It may seem like an eternity away, but we’re already getting excited about the spring. And with good cause, as it’s not exactly been the mildest or most pleasant of winters. With the (eventual) arrival of longer and pleasant days, attention once again turns to exterior home improvements. A prime example of which is exterior […]
When Should I Repaint My Home’s Exterior?
The first weeks of the winter months might not seem like the right time to be discussing exterior home painting. A job traditionally associated with the spring and summer months, most instinctively put and a project on hold when the weather turns cool. But there’s actually plenty of scope for tackling a wide variety of […]
What Is the Best Way To Remove Exterior Paint From Your Home?
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the best way to remove exterior paint would be the easiest method available. If there’s a fast and simple way to get the exterior paint off your property, surely that’s the best way to do it…right? Perhaps, but there is far more to removing exterior paint than simply doing so as fast as you possibly […]
Painting Varnished Wood in Four Simple Steps
Have you ever spotted a varnished surface at home and thought “Yep…that would look way better painted a different color”? If so, you’re certainly not in the minority. Varnished wood can look fantastic – no doubt about it. But if looking to modernize something that’s looking a little dated, a fresh coat of paint can […]
Painting Your Home for an Added Layer of Protection
With limited time left to tackle those overdue exterior improvements before the weather takes a turn, now’s the time to take action. In particular, the tail-end of the summer can be the perfect time to paint your home’s exterior. It’s still nice and warm out, but not quite as baking as it has been. There’s […]
How to Stain Brick (and Whether You Should)
Exposed brickwork can be a fantastically attractive feature, indoors or out. Whether it adorns the fireplace in your living room or the exterior of your home, brickwork looks awesome. However, brickwork is by no means impervious to the test of time, or the harshness of the elements. Sooner or later, all types of exterior brickwork […]
The Proper Way to Prep for Exterior Paining
Picking up the best possible exterior paint you can find holds the key to quality results outdoors. As does ensuring you use it properly, and applying as many coats as necessary to get the job done. Nevertheless, it’s all largely inconsequential if you don’t start things the right way in the first place. Specifically, the […]