Making Your Next Paint Job a Little Greener
It’s no secret that more homeowners in the United States than ever before are taking an active interest in everyday environmental issues. We recycle, we avoid waste and we generally consider our actions far more carefully than previous generations. So it’s hardly surprising that here at Homm CPS, we’re often approached with questions regarding environmentally […]

Magnetic Paint: Awesome, If You Get It Right!
Contrary to popular belief, magnetic paint has actually been around for quite some time. It’s just that it’s only as of relatively recently that it has begun gaining popularity among mainstream audiences. If you’ve never come across the concept of magnetic paint before, prepare to be both enlightened and inspired! As the name quite rightly […]

How to Save Money on Paint for Your Home
Interior painting can quickly become expensive. Particularly if you decide to go for the kinds of premium quality paints that deliver outstanding coverage, impeccable looks and a finish that lasts. Which is precisely why so many homeowners search high and low for ways and means to cut corners, in order to cut costs at the […]

Interior Painting: 10 Considerations to Keep in Mind
There’s nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to completely transform your interiors. Which is precisely why interior painting isn’t the kind of thing most homeowners go about lightly. Get it right and you’re in for long-term satisfaction and comfort. Get it wrong and…well, you’ll have to try again until you get it right! […]

Interior Painting Sprays: Better Than Rollers?
Here at Homm CPS, many of our customers – new and old – ask us the same question…what exactly is an interior paint sprayer? Or more importantly, are they worth bothering with? The short answer…well, there’s a bit of a giveaway in the name! As you’d quite rightly presume, an interior paint sprayer is a […]

Interior Design and Décor Resolutions for 2018
Another year, another long list of resolutions that are typically broken by January 18th. Let’s be honest – good intentions aren’t quite the same as actually following through with them! The thing is though, get it right with your resolutions this year and they can actually be pretty enjoyable to keep. Not all of them, […]

Chalkboard Paint: An Affordable Interior Transformation
Despite having been around for some time now, chalkboard paint is only just beginning to make its way into a relatively modest number of homes across the US. Which for the most part comes down to two things – availability and affordability. Once a relatively rare decorating supply that packed a heavy price, chalkboard paint […]

Six Solid Excuses to Have the Pros Paint Your Home’s Exterior
Just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should. The kind of important life lesson we all learn at an early age and can be applied to thousands of relatively obvious bad ideas. But in this instance, the idea we’re focusing on is that of exterior home painting. Technically speaking, the vast majority […]