What is a Virtual Estimate (and is it Reliable?)

Right now, organizing interior painting jobs carried out by the pros isn’t as easy as it used to be. Rules and restrictions are changing all the time, making it difficult to know what to expect next. It’s perfectly possible to carry out high-quality interior painting projects in the era of all-things COVID, but common sense precautions must be taken.
This is precisely why more professional painting contractors than ever before are starting to offer virtual estimates. This takes things one step further than the basic over-the-phone quotation, with the added bonus of eliminating the physical inspection of your home from the equation.
It’s still just an initial estimate to be confirmed at a later stage, but it can nonetheless be a godsend in the current circumstances.
How Does a Virtual Estimate Work?
Quite simply, a virtual estimate makes use of mainstream consumer technology to replace the usual inspection process. Where interior painting projects are concerned, it’s simply a case of taking photos or shooting videos of the space to be painted, which can then be submitted directly to your contractor.
Particularly when accompanied by accurate measurements of the walls, ceilings and so on, it’s possible for a relatively accurate estimation to be provided based on this information alone.
A virtual estimate can also be useful to factor in any potential complications into the mix. Examples of which include fixtures and furniture that are difficult or impossible to move, potential issues reaching higher corners and ceilings and even accessibility to the property in general.
You make the call, you discuss what’s needed and you submit the appropriate media to provide an accurate picture of the project’s requirements. At which point, you’re offered an accurate estimation, based on the information you provide.
Benefits of Virtual Estimates
The primary benefit of virtual estimates in the current climate is the way in which it eliminates in-person interaction from the equation. If you’re doing your best to keep a safe distance from people in general at the moment, it’s a great way of getting a quote on your project without inviting strangers into your home.
In addition, there’s also the possibility of consulting with your contractor directly by way of Skype, Zoom or something similar. You don’t simply need to exchange emails and messages – you can chat with them and ask questions directly. Every bit as good as a consultation in-person.
These kinds of virtual consultations can also save time, as they give the contractor a good idea of the requirements of the project in advance. Rather than turning up at the property with no idea what to expect, they already know almost everything about the client’s expectations and requirements. Something that can accelerate the completion of the project, which is always a good thing.
Beware Unreliable Estimates
While virtual estimates can be exceptionally useful and convenient, the importance of steering clear of unreliable estimates remains as important as ever.
Technically speaking, it isn’t always possible to provide a 100% accurate quotation by way of a virtual inspection of your interior spaces. However, this doesn’t mean that a contractor has the right to provide you with a wildly inaccurate estimate, only to then go and charge you exponentially more than you bargained for.
The whole point of these kinds of inspections is to ensure that estimates are as accurate as possible – not simply another means of misleading customers.
Prior to the painting project going ahead, it is essential to demand a fixed written quotation from the contractor. Under no circumstances should they begin any work on your home, until you have an accurate quotation in writing. Otherwise, you risk being left out of pocket, or being stuck with a job that’s abandoned before being properly finished.
Ask the Experts…
At Homm CPS, we’re committed to providing the highest quality interior painting services at unbeatable prices. Whatever your requirements and budget, we’ll get the job done at a price you can afford.
Whether looking to arrange a virtual estimate or simply interested in learning more about how it works, we’d be delighted to hear from you anytime. Contact a member of the team at Homm CPS today for an obligation-free consultation. We’re standing by to take your call.