Home Painting Hacks That Could Change Your Life

The Questions You Should Always Ask Before Hiring a Painter

Here at Homm CPS, our customers are always hungry for a few pro tips. The kinds of guidelines that can take amateur-hour a step further to the real deal. And as we’re all about advising and assisting those who prefer the DIY approach to home painting, we’re happy to share our (often random) insights!

Though there are at least a few rare exceptions to the rule, there aren’t many homeowners who revel in the thought of exterior home painting. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that the vast majority find the idea rather unpleasant. But at the same time, their desire to create and maintain a beautiful exterior takes precedence over personal objections to painting.

Long story short, it has to be done!

The Questions You Should Always Ask Before Hiring a Painter

Of course, we always advise at least considering hiring the professionals to get the job done – quotations cost nothing. But if you have decided to go ahead with an exterior paint job – minor or major – there are certain tips, tricks and hacks that could make the whole thing so much more enjoyable.

Or if not enjoyable, certainly less unpleasant!

So without further ado, read on for just a few examples of our own personal favorites, when it comes to the kinds of home painting hacks that have genuine value:

  1. First of all, just as long as they are flawlessly dry at the time, your paint rollers and pads can be cleared of all that annoying fluff and lint by using an everyday lint roller. Once again however, please make sure they are dry at the time!
  2. While it’s natural to instinctively go for canvas cloths or plastic sheeting to protect the floor, you might want to consider instead a cheap plastic table cloth. The reason being that along with offering plenty of protection, they can also help create a much safer non-slip surface to work on.
  3. Cleaning paint trays at any time during a job is fundamentally unpleasant and something nobody likes doing. Which is precisely why it never fails to surprise us as to just how many DIY home painters haven’t already discovered this simple trick. All you need to do is take a plastic bag or some plastic sheeting and use it to line the inside of the paint tray. When you’re done, simply remove it and your paint tray is as good as new.
  4. Or if you don’t happen to have any plastic sheeting on hand, you can actually do exactly the same with a few layers of tinfoil. Just make sure it is thick enough, so as to not tear while in use.
  5. This is a bit of a weird one, but we’ve come across so many people who absolutely swear by it that we thought we would include it anyway. It’s not as if most people are particularly keen on the smell of paint, but some find it borderline unbearable. Which is why it’s not uncommon to hear of folks adding a few drops of vanilla extract to the tin of paint and giving it a good mix. It doesn’t radically transform the paint into a veritable air freshener, but it can certainly take the edge off the smell!
  6. There’s really only one thing you need to know when it comes to producing professional quality results with a roller. Which is, to always paint in a ‘W’ pattern. If you can’t work out what this means, head over to YouTube and you’ll find thousands of tutorials demonstrating it.
  7. If you’re using the kinds of high quality paint brushes you would like to keep pliable and in good condition long-term, soaking them in fabric softener (obviously while not in use) can help. In addition, the fabric softener also leaves behind an embedded fragrance in the bristles, which is good for those who cannot stand the smell of paint.
  8. Likewise, soaking brushes in vinegar represents a great way of cleaning and maintaining the bristles, without risking causing any damage to them.
  9. Here’s a hack you won’t want to be without, albeit one that doesn’t actually involve painting specifically. If you are planning to work with a wide roll of tape on your wrist, first use the ankle portion of an old gym sock as a sleeve. You won’t believe how much easier this makes it to work with.
  10. If the ends of any of your paint brushes have gone crusty and generally nasty, don’t fall into the trap of throwing them away. Simply snip off the offending ends and continue using the rest as normal.
  11. Last but not least, if you find that any of the masking tape you have used doesn’t appear to want to come off easily further down the line, simply add a little heat with a hair dryer. This way, you should be able to pull it off easily and without causing any damage to the materials underneath.
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