Holiday Decorations for Any Color Scheme

We hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving, and are refreshed and ready for the next round of holidays! Around this time of year, people usually start putting up decorations, like trees, lights, and other festive decor. However when it comes to holiday style, one of the toughest design challenges is creating a cohesive holiday arragenemt that doesn’t clash with your existing aesthetic. We’ve found our favorite ways of styling a home that are sure to complete your holiday look, no matter what color paint you have on the walls!
The bloggers over at Style Files suggest using evergreen to create a natural look indoors. We love this idea, and think that evergreen is the perfect pairing of festive+stylish decorating, to create a seamless holiday style.
Try using evergreens with neutral colors and cool tones.
If you want to use traditional colors like green or red against a colorful backdrop, make sure to choose colors in shades that don’t clash with your existing color scheme. An easy way to do this is to a use a color match app like Benjamin Moore’s Color Capture and Sherwin William’s Color Snap. You can snap a picture of your walls, couch, and other defining color features in your home, and the app will provide you with matching colors as well as coordinating color schemes. Use the suggestions to pick out corresponding decorations!
If your walls are white, you have carte blanche to experiment with exciting color schemes!
Just make sure your colors are coordinated to keep everything in balance.
Metallics go great with colorful walls, especially darker hues.