There’s nothing quite like the gleaming sparkle of a freshly-completed exterior home paint job, or the pride and satisfaction that accompany it. The only problem being that with 24/7 exposure to the elements, it often doesn’t hold onto its luster for long. It still looks great, but it doesn’t quite have the special something you’d […]
Category: Painting Basics
How to Make Exterior Paint Jobs Last Longer
Whichever way you look at it, painting the exterior of your home is a pretty big job. It’s usually not until you get started with the process that you realize quite how big of an undertaking it really is. The size and complexity of your home will of course make a difference, but in any […]
How to Reduce Home Painting Costs
When it comes to home improvements, striking the ideal balance between affordability and outstanding results can be tricky. You of course want your home to look fantastic, but are the same time you may have a relatively limited budget to work with. Even when it comes to something as simple as home painting, it may […]
How to Prepare Your Home For a Professional Painting Job
If you have made the decision to hire the professionals to paint your home, first of all congratulations! Working with the pros means investing in an outstanding-quality paint job that’s not only guaranteed to impress, but also go the distance and retain its amazing looks. What’s more, it often works out cheaper on the whole […]
10 Unbreakable Rules of House Painting
There’s really nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to refresh and revive the home. Even when taking into account the biggest remodelling efforts and makeovers, a simple paint job really can transform the home like nothing else. What’s more, it can also be one of the simplest and most affordable ways of breathing […]
Exterior Home Painting Mistakes to Avoid
If you get the job done right, a high quality exterior paint job can both protect and beautify your home for many years. However, get it wrong and you’ll be watching the whole thing deteriorate before your eyes in no time at all. On the surface, it all comes across as a relatively simple job. You […]
How to Choose a Good Painting Company
For most, the job of choosing a professional painting company comes down to one thing alone – the price quoted. Which is understandable to a degree, but at the same time should be just one of many factors to consider. You don’t want to overspend, but at the same time you don’t want to be […]
How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets
On the surface, painting kitchen cabinets comes across as a relatively easy job. So why is it that the vast majority of DIY-types never seem to be able to replicate the results of the experts? Well, the simple answer is that it all comes down to a combination of the paint chosen for the job […]
How to Choose a Paint Finish
While the sheer volume of paint types available can make selecting the right one seem like a minefield, it really doesn’t have to be a daunting job. When painting an interior living space, the paint finish you choose will have a direct impact on both the amount of shine to expect and its overall durability. […]
How to Choose a Paint For Your House
In this blog post we will talk about different paints that can be used for your exterior or interior house painting project and how to choose a paint that gives you the best value for your money.