Bringing Walls to Life with Creative Painting Techniques

Bringing Walls to Life with Creative Painting Techniques

One of the most common questions brought to us by our customers is that of what can be done to enhance an otherwise simple paint job. For many of our customers, larger walls painted using one single color just isn’t enough in terms of inspiration and imagination. It’s one thing to improve the appeal and aesthetic of a room by hanging things on the walls, but how about modifications to the actual paint itself?

More often than not, the reason most do not even consider taking things a step further in terms of home painting is that they fear it will be too difficult or too complicated. Indeed, there are certain techniques and methods that are more difficult to pull off than others, but the real beauty of painting is the way in which you can always make changes once again if you are not satisfied with the result.

Or in other words, it’s something of a trial and error process until you finally find the exact look you’ve been dreaming of.

Bringing Walls to Life with Creative Painting Techniques

We’re strong supporters of experimentation, creativity and imagination when it comes to interior home painting. In some instances, simply stepping things up to a bolder or brighter color really can make all the difference in the world. But if you’re really looking to create an eye-catching result, techniques such as sponge painting, color washing and crackle can make an incredible difference.

So we’ll be taking a look at just a few examples now, which are perfectly possible to achieve with the right tools and supplies. That being said, there’s always the option of calling in the professionals to take care of things on your behalf, if you’d rather guarantee yourself flawless results from the onset!

Color Washing

First of all, the technique that goes by the name of color washing has the potential to transform absolutely any wall into a masterpiece in its own right. It’s a way of creating an effect that has the kind of beauty and elegance you’d expect in a luxury villa or mansion. Timeless, elegant and incredibly attractive. In addition, it’s also a surprisingly easy technique to try out at home as it simply consists of applying your chosen flat color underneath, over which you add a layer of glaze. What’s really great is the way in which the results are 100% unique every time and really can transform your home as a whole.

The only slightly tricky element is dealing with the glaze, given the way in which it will be of a relatively thick consistency and will need to be thinned to the consistency you need it to be. It’ll take a bit of trial and error on a small space to get it right, but once you do, you’ll find it an absolute joy to work with!


Slightly more labor intensive and time consuming than color washing, the technique known as crackle has the potential to produce truly spectacular results. Creating a truly unique ambience that can transform a room in spectacular ways, crackle can make surfaces look as if they are made of distressed metal, which over time has begun to blister, split and generally come apart. It isn’t the easiest job and takes time to complete, but the results in the right kind of room can be nothing short of breathtaking.

To get the job done properly means investing in at least a handful of different types of paint, glaze and polyurethane which will need to be applied in multiple coats. Each coat must be applied and then given sufficient time to dry fully, before moving on to the next layer. Needless to say, it’s a process that can take several days to complete across even a relatively small surface, but the investment of time and effort is nonetheless more than worthwhile.

Sponge Painting

Considerably simpler than both of the above techniques though also capable of producing truly incredible results, sponge painting is relatively self-explanatory. Fantastic for creating a contemporary look without having to invest in additional equipment or supplies, all you need is the colored glaze of your choosing and either a sponge roller or a standard sponge.

Generally speaking, it is advisable to select a glaze that is a similar color to the primary base color. However, there are absolutely no rules or restrictions whatsoever and you may find yourself coming up with truly spectacular results by using strongly contrasting colors. Again, trial and error is the key to nail in the perfect results.

Shapes and Patterns

Last but not least, one of the easiest yet most effective ways of bringing to life what would otherwise be a relatively simple wall is to add the shapes, patterns or lines of your choosing. Whether it’s a series of hexagon shapes covering the entire wall, a column of chevrons to add a burst of color or the most abstract lines used to create a genuine work of art, there are again no rules to follow and no limits to what’s possible.

One of the best ways of experimenting with shapes and patterns ahead of time is to take a photograph of the wall to be painted, upload it to your computer and experiment using photo editing software. Try out an array of colors, as many designs as you can think of and be sure to take inspiration from the web where required. After this, it’s simply a case of arming yourself with the paints of your choosing, a sufficient amount of high quality painter’s tape and letting your imagination run wild!

For more information on any area of internal or external home painting, get in touch with the Homm CPS customer service team today.

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Hömm Certified Painting Systems has proudly served the Washington, DC Metro Area since 2007, delivering exceptional painting and remodeling services with integrity and professionalism. Trust our award-winning team for quality craftsmanship and world-class customer care.