Paint vs. Wallpaper: Which Is the Better Choice?
Ask any professional painting company the above question and chances are they will give you the same answer. After all, it’s not as if it’s possible to work in this business without being at least a little biased! We’d of course always argue that paint is superior, but unlike most we’re happy to put our […]

Making Sense of Interior Paint Finishes
If you’ve made the decision to do little home painting, chances are the first and the only thing that comes to mind immediately is which colors you intend to go with. Whether it’s a single internal room, the entire indoors or even the exterior of the property, color choice is of course of paramount importance. […]

Interior Painting Mistakes That Could Wreck Your Results
The biggest problem with interior painting at home is the fact that it comes across on the surface as a relatively simple job. After all, what could be easier than simply slapping a new coat of paint on the walls with a bunch of brushes? Unfortunately, it’s exactly this kind of underestimation that leads so […]

How to Remove Wall Paper as Painlessly as Possible
It may have its upside, but there’s no disputing the fact that removing wallpaper can be a serious burden. What seems to be an easy job on the surface more often than not turns out to be anything but, once you get started. On the plus side, it doesn’t always have to be quite as awful an experience as it might be. Just as long as you know what you are doing and approach the job mindfully, you’ll get there in the end!

The Questions You Should Always Ask Before Hiring a Painter
Thinking of hiring a pro painting team to help get the job done at home? Here’s a quick rundown of just a few essential questions you must ask, before deciding who to hire: 1. Are You Insured? First of all, if the painting company you’re considering doesn’t have General Liability insurance to the value of […]

How to Clean Painted Walls, Safely and Effectively
It’s a common scenario most homeowners will be familiar with. It wasn’t long ago that your interior walls were painted and in the most perfectly pristine condition imaginable. Only now, everyday life has taken its toll. You take a closer look at your wall, only to find they’re far grubbier than you’d like them to […]

Home Painting in the Winter – Not Such a Crazy Idea, After All
We’re well on the way toward the winter months right now, which common sense might tell you isn’t the best time to think about painting your home. After all, anything that involves time and effort outdoors when the weather’s pretty brutal doesn’t come across as an appealing prospect. The thing is though, while it’s true […]

Exterior Paint Maintenance – Keeping Things Pristine Between Paint Jobs
There’s nothing quite like the gleaming sparkle of a freshly-completed exterior home paint job, or the pride and satisfaction that accompany it. The only problem being that with 24/7 exposure to the elements, it often doesn’t hold onto its luster for long. It still looks great, but it doesn’t quite have the special something you’d […]