How to Paint Your Kitchen Like a Pro
The average family kitchen is subject to more use and abuse than just about any other living space imaginable. Extreme temperatures, humidity, spills, splashes and the daily attacks of hungry kids (and adults!) can really take a toll. Which is precisely why even the most immaculate kitchen can quickly become unsightly. Or if not unsightly, […]

Epoxy for Interiors – Worth a Thought?
Most people don’t give their floors a second thought until they encounter problems with them. It could be that things are starting to look a little worn and tired, or perhaps heading into genuinely hazardous territory. When this happens, the most common response is to basically re-fit whatever flooring is already there. Radical change not […]

10 Tips for Safer Interior Painting
Yes, we know – health and safety is just about the most boring subject imaginable for the average American. Being told what we should and shouldn’t be doing on a daily basis by the powers that be is far from inspiring. Here at Homm CPS, we encounter the most bizarre accounts from homeowners across the […]

Are You Asking Your Pro Painter the Right Questions?
If you’ve made the decision to hire a professional painter, first of all…congratulations! Having the experts take care of things on your behalf really can prove to be an absolute godsend. Especially if you don’t have a great deal of experience, or lack the time/inclination to really go to town on the project yourself. Chances […]

Cheap Exterior Home Painter – Expensive Mistake!
Tis the season to be house-proud. Spring or at least, it soon will be! Every spring like clockwork, millions of homeowners across the United States begin planning long-overdue exterior home painting jobs. Some go bold, others keep things simple, but all share the same vision of a spanking-new paintjob to make their home shine throughout […]

Removing Pen from Painted Walls Like A Pro
If you’ve got kids, you’ve dealt with this problem. If not, it’s hard to imagine just how hair-tearing the frustration can be. You turn your back for literally 5 seconds and your darling children produce the most extraordinary works of art on your walls. Having seemingly produced pens from thin air. Cute from a bystander’s […]

Selling Your Home? Up the Price with Pro Painting!
Some people find the idea of selling up and relocating unbelievably exciting. For others, it represents the kind of living nightmare they’d much rather avoid entirely. Nevertheless, relocation is a process most homeowners will have no choice but to experience at least a couple of times in a lifetime. In all instances however, there’s one […]

Paint Over Wallpaper? Science Says No!
The hotly debated subject of painting over wallpaper (or not, as the case may be) is one we’ve touched upon on numerous occasions. Nevertheless, it still represents one of the most commonly asked questions among customers we encounter on a daily basis. It’s no secret that stripping wallpaper is the kind of job pretty much […]